Jan 18 Playing-Ducks  

We have in agreement with both involved parties decided to stop the cooperation with our Swedish CSGO Fulltime team and decided to acquire and sign the Lithuanian team around Nikolaj “kAliNkA” Rysakov. The Team is going to be playing the new Season of ESEA Premier as well as the next season of the CEVO Main playoffs!

Jannik Hansen – Head of Esport:
We signed the Swedish team back in December with high hopes and a bright future. – Sadly, it did not work out as intended and we decided to part ways. – I would like to wish all five Players the best of luck for the future! The short time I had the chance of working with these Guys was amazing!
With the signing of the former VwS team we hope to have found what is the best fit for us as an Organization. We will be visible in the CEVO Main League and the ESEA Premier league and will try to reach as many Qualifiers as possible. – We have made it possible for these Five Talented Individuals to be able to spent much more time on practice and doing what they love to do. Playing Counter-Strike!
Thank you to everyone who keeps supporting us and to our beloved sponsors! You are all making this Possible!

The Playing-Ducks CSGO INT Team Consist of the following Players:

Nikolaj ‚kalinka‘ Rysakov
Lukas ‚lukjjE‘ Baciliunas
Aurimas ‚Kvik‘ Kvakšys
Eimantas ‚pounh‘ Lazickas
Andrius ‚TORAS‘ Balciunas

Aurimas ‚Kvik‘ Kvakšys:
Finally, after some time of searching we found an organization that perfectly fits our needs as a team. We’re more than happy and grateful for the opportunity to play for the Playing-Ducks. The Organization has a great history and is already a well-established brand in Esports. We can’t wait for the start of 2017 seasons, with our current contracts we will be able to put even more time into our practice than we did before and let’s hope it will help us reach even higher goals this year. Quack!

We wish the team tremendous success!


German News:

Die Playing-Ducks haben sich in beiderseitigen Einverständnis vom schwedischen CSGO Vollzeitteam getrennt und gehen gemeinsam mit dem litauischen Team rund um Nikolaj “kAliNkA”
Rysakov in die Zukunft. Die Ducks spielen mit dem neuen Team in der ESEA Premier League und sind unter anderen qualifiziert für die CEVO Main Playoffs.

Das Playing-Ducks CSGO INT Team besteht aus folgenden Spielern:

Nikolaj ‚kalinka‘ Rysakov
Lukas ‚lukjjE‘ Baciliunas
Aurimas ‚Kvik‘ Kvakšys
Eimantas ‚pounh‘ Lazickas
Andrius ‚TORAS‘ Balciunas

Wir wünschen dem Team massiven Erfolg 🙂

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