++ Erfreuliche Nachrichten zur Vertragsverhandlung des international agierenden CSGO Team der Playing Ducks ++
Die Playing Ducks und das international spielende CSGO Team, rund um den litauischen Spieler Nikolaj ‚kalinka‘ Rysakov, verlängern Ihre Spielerverträge bis Ende kommender Saison. Bei den Vertragsverhandlungen in der vergangenen Woche wurde man sich einig und stellt dem Team mehr Budget als zuvor bereit. Die Spieler werden, wie in der letzten Saison, einen Vollzeitvertrag bei den Ducks erhalten um sich 100 Prozent auf die gesteckten Ziele zu konzentrieren.
English News:
Great news coming in after contract negotiations of the International CSGO Squad of the Playing Ducks
The Playing Ducks and its international team around the Lithuanian player Nikolaj ‚kalinka‘ Rysakov have decided to extend their contracts and continue working together with the organization to further strengthen the team and its success. The Negotiations were done last week and we agreed to upgrade the Teams terms and conditions making them able to fully commit to Counter-Strike and focus on becoming better and not having to worry about anything else!
Team Captain Nikolaj ‚kalinka‘ Rysakov
We are happy to resign the contract with Playing Ducks. As many of you know Kvik left the roster and we decided to bring two young talented players in to our team EspiranTo and nukkye who replaced TORAS. We had to make this change to move further as a team and show good results. Despite our good results in the past we were in a slump for a while which effected the whole team so with this new line-up we are aiming to reach even better results and surprise all of you! Yes, it will be hard much work need to be done and many things improved but if we believe in ourselves then everything is possible.
Chief Gaming Officer Jannik Hansen
I am very happy that we could extend the contracts of the Players to have them within our Organization for another Season! We decided to sign the team earlier this year following the departure of our Swedish CS team and since there we have been focusing on strengthen the team and trying to give them the best terms and conditions to fully commit to playing counter-strike and not having to worry about anything else.
The Future is bright and the new line-up has a lot of firepower and young blood which makes them more hungry than ever to achieve better and higher results then before! I would like to thank Kvik and Toras for their time in our Organization also I would like to welcome both EspiranTo and nukkye to the family!